Other Services

In addition to our general HR and Training services, we also offer a variety of other services including Environmental Policy support, event management, project monitoring and evaluation, governance support, and public consultation and social research.

Other Services

Action Learning / Inquiry

We will help you work in sets with others to look at what you do and how you perform in the workplace. Through a series of questions we will help you reflect and review so you can improve performance.


Environmental Support

We can help small organisations develop basic Environmental policies and Environmental audits as well as provide briefings or training sessions on Sustainability. We can also audit school and business grounds for environmental development and education.


Governance Support

Through the activities of the partners we have considerable knowledge and experience of governance relating to small organisations, charities and community groups. We are able to assess your Articles meet your requirements and that you are operating within in them. We are also able to provide a minute writing and action co-ordination service to support committees and boards.


Event Management

We have experience in organising a wide variety of events including small meetings, in-house training programmes, away day events, residential training or strategy events, public consultations and conferences.

We believe the secrets of event management to be attention to detail and forward planning. We personally check out venues, create effective contingency plans, and ensure that we have sufficient presence on the day to make the event flow smoothly. Project costs are individually worked out to take into account the size and needs of the event. With Pet&r there are no hidden costs or complicated bills. We agree up front what we will be responsible for and set an overall fee for the package.

Pet&r also offers 2 training courses on Event Management. For more details please see our Training section.


Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Strategy Review

From single project monitoring to multi-project evaluations, Pet&r has experience in a wide range of monitoring and evaluation techniques. We can design Gantt charts for projects, conduct desk top research, one to one interviews and focus groups. We can design and analyse questionnaires that provide the information you need to satisfy funding bodies or corporate strategies. Finally we can produce reports which include action plans or objectives and recommendations for improvements.


Public Consultation and Social Research

Whether you need to get public opinion on business activities or what they want their area to be like, we can help you get their views. We have experience of organising and facilitating public consultation events to get maximum participant input and priorities as well as collating all the information and presenting it both in verbal and written formats. We can also organise the information into objectives and action plans to help you deliver desired results.